Regional Councillor

Brampton Wards 1 & 5

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Regional Councillor Brampton Wards 1 & 5

Brampton Advances Road Safety with New Automated Speed Enforcement Centre

Brampton advances plans for a new Automated Speed Enforcement Regional Processing Centre, hiring nearly 50 staff and gearing up for enhanced traffic safety measures. The Centre, aiming to curb speeding and enforce local traffic laws, will be operational by summer 2024, underlining Brampton’s dedication to road safety. This initiative aligns with the city’s ongoing ASE program, which aims to increase to 185 cameras by summer 2025, showcasing Brampton’s role in fostering safer streets.

Road Safety Update – Advocating for Speed Enforcement Cameras Outside of Safety Zones

Road racing, aggressive driving, and speeding along regional roads in Peel Region continue to result in death and injury. A recent early morning incident on Bovaird Drive resulted in the death of 3 men with police suggesting a link to street racing. A motion by Councillor Santos to advocate to the Minister of Transportation for changes to the Highway Traffic Act to allow ASE Cameras outside of Community Safety Zones and School Zones was passed by Regional Council.

Effective traffic calming measures to tackle speeders and make roads safer

Brampton is taking a comprehensive approach to traffic calming to address speeding and unsafe driving in local neighbourhoods. City Council recently increased the budget for traffic calming with a focus to implement a combination of tools including traffic cameras, road diets, speed bumps, flexi-signs, and speed reductions.