Regional Councillor

Brampton Wards 1 & 5

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Regional Councillor Brampton Wards 1 & 5

FCM Resolutions

At the recent FCM Annual Conference in Calgary, Alberta, discussions focused on our communities’ future from the perspective of municipalities. It is important to understand why these motions were prioritized over others. Councillor Rowena Santos, who worked on these three motions locally in Brampton, at the regional level, and across the country through FCM as a board member, recognized that Brampton and other growing municipalities face similar challenges. To ensure other municipalities can learn from these issues and take preventive measures, Councillor Santos, who has been dedicated to these causes for the past five years since her first election, took the initiative to advocate for the following issues.

“I am honoured to have addressed these critical issues at the FCM Annual Conference, representing Brampton and advocating on a national stage. From addressing harassment against elected officials to promoting shelter support for survivors of violence and tackling food insecurity, these discussions underscore our commitment to building safer, more equitable communities. It is crucial that municipalities learn from these challenges, ensuring proactive measures for a better future across Canada.”

– Rowena Santos, Regional Councillor, Wards 1 and 5; City of Brampton

Amid the conference halls, where more than 3,100 delegates gathered, several issues were discussed, including harassment against elected officials. Many officials who have faced such situations themselves joined the discussions, advocating for measures to protect officials and their families from threats and intimidation. The goal was simple yet profound: to safeguard democracy and foster a respectful political environment.

Another important topic was the need for shelter support for women and survivors of intimate partner violence. Some of the stories of resilience and struggle that were presented were heartbreaking to hear. The push for permanent funding to ensure safe havens and long-term support for those in need, including Indigenous, 2SLGBTQIA+ individuals, and people with disabilities, was a key focus.

While these discussions were in progress, another issue on the rise was food insecurity. The federal government was called upon to provide emergency funding to food banks and address the root causes behind food bank usage, such as affordability and inequality. These motions emerged from discussions and shared concerns, reflecting the commitment to building safer, more supportive, and equitable communities. Together, we hope to pave the way for a brighter future for all Canadians.

To know more about the Municipal Growth Framework, click here.

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