Regional Councillor

Brampton Wards 1 & 5

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Regional Councillor Brampton Wards 1 & 5

Celebrating Filipino Heritage: A Weekend of Fiesta Extravaganza in Brampton

The heartbeat of Filipino culture echoed through Chinguacousy Park in Brampton on the vibrant weekend of July 13 and 14, 2024, as the “FIESTA EXTRAVAGANZA” unfolded its colorful traditions. This event wasn’t just a celebration; it was a joyous way to celebrate the rich Filipino heritage within the city and hence the country. The “Fiesta” means a never ending celebration.

Event Gallery

What makes FIESTA EXTRAVAGANZA truly special is its ability to bridge communities. It’s not just about Filipinos coming together but about sharing their heritage with everyone. As Brampton is such a culturally diverse place where people from all over the globe come and enjoy, it was nice to see people from different cultures to come together and enjoy it. Mayor and City Council, alongside MPs and MPPs, graced the occasion, underlining the event’s importance in fostering multicultural harmony. Councillor Rowena Santos set the tone with her heartfelt remarks, emphasizing the event’s role in showcasing Filipino Canadian achievements.

From the beats of Filipino performers to the energy of the karaoke stage, the festival was a feast for the senses. Attendees tapped their feet to traditional dances and cheered as local talents took center stage. The surprise visit by the Prime Minister on the first day added an extra layer of excitement, underscoring the event’s national significance.

No Filipino celebration is complete without its culinary treasures. Food vendors lined the park, offering a array of dishes. From savory to the refreshing sweetness of “Halo Halo,” taste buds were treated to a gastronomic journey. Even a sudden rain shower on the second day could not dampen spirits as attendees savored these delights under makeshift canopies, a testament to the community’s resilience and spirit. As families picnicked together and children played under the summer sky, the park buzzed with a  sense of unity and belonging.

Media Contact:
Anitpal (Nitu) Grewal – C: (437) 331-4555, Email:

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