Regional Councillor

Brampton Wards 1 & 5

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Regional Councillor Brampton Wards 1 & 5

Federal Recall Needed to Address Auto-Theft

Auto-theft rates in Brampton and across Canada are at alarming rates and we can no longer simply keep reacting to this serious community safety issue. Today I joined Mayor Brown to call on the federal government to consider a recall of the top ten most frequently stolen cars in Canada and to work with auto manufacturers to develop a solution. We are asking as a stop-gap solution for manufacturers to provide inexpensive Faraday bags to vehicle owners so that the “relay-attacks” that allow vehicles to be stolen in seconds can be reduced.

Council recently approved a pilot project to provide residents in selected neighbours in Brampton to be provided with a Faraday bag. This is a short-term solution that we can implement as a municipal government. We also need our higher levels of government and manufacturers to work together so that stealing your car from your driveway is not a lucrative enterprise for organized crime groups.

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