Regional Councillor

Brampton Wards 1 & 5

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Regional Councillor Brampton Wards 1 & 5

Encampment Update – August 8, 2024

The City of Brampton continues to address encampments and encampment-related concerns, and is committed to ensuring the health, safety, and well-being of all our residents, park users, and first responders. With collaboration from Regional and community partners, encampment sites are visited regularly to ensure the sites are as safe as possible and to offer support and resources to individuals. These updates will continue to focus on the identified area along the Etobicoke Creek Trail, specifically Calvert Park, Tara Park, Duggan Park, and along Ken Whillans Drive.

Weekly highlights are included below:

1. Statistics as of August 1 to August 7, 2024:

Number of active encampments confirmed City-wide 14
Number of new encampment related matters reported to Service Brampton 8
Number of active encampments confirmed south of Williams Parkway along the Etobicoke Creek Trail in the identified area 2
Number of active encampments confirmed north of Williams Parkway and south of Bovaird Drive along the Etobicoke Creek Trail 1
Number of attempts to set up an encampment along the Etobicoke Creek Trail 2
Number of new active encampments along the Etobicoke Creek Trail 0

2. Actions taken by the City for the area along the Etobicoke Creek Trail:


  • Brampton Fire and Emergency Services (BFES), Peel Regional Police (PRP), Peel Outreach, and Brampton Security Services continue to conduct wellness checks on confirmed active encampment sites across the City.
  • Enforcement & By-Law Services continue to investigate and respond to any encampments that are reported on private property.
  • Brampton Security Services continue patrol of the Etobicoke Creek Trail area 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Trails from Williams Parkway to Church Street are patrolled every 30 minutes.
  • Parks Maintenance & Forestry continue to attend encampment sites to remove debris and hazardous material.
  • Peel Outreach continues to attend sites daily to provide supports and resources. There were 24 interactions with individuals in encampments between July 29 – August 5, 2024.
  • Peel Housing Services served a total of 2,814 unique individuals between July 29 – August 4, 2024.

Coordination and Planning:

  • The Community Safety & Well-Being Office (CSWO) continues to lead the Weekly Brampton Encampment Response Group meetings with internal and external partners to discuss and share information on how to respond to encampments across the City.
  • The CSWO continues to lead the Brampton Internal Planning Working Group meetings with internal teams to streamline current procedures and build capacity to implement the finalized Regional Policy Framework and Protocols.
  • The CSWO, Security Services, Enforcement & By-Law Services, BFES, and Welcoming Streets, continue to participate in the weekly Regional Encampment Policy Framework and Protocols Working Group and Steering Committee, led by the Region of Peel.

3. Next steps:

August 13, 2024
  • Brampton Encampment Planning Working Group Meeting
August 14, 2024
  • Brampton Encampment Response Group Meeting

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