Regional Councillor Brampton Wards 1 & 5

E-Scooter Pilot Program launches in Brampton

The City of Brampton, in partnership with Neuron Mobility, Bird Canada and Scooty Mobility, is launching Brampton’s first-ever E-scooter program. Up to 750 E-scooters will be available for public use across the City of Brampton.

Users can approach a locked E-scooter, scan the QR code, download the app and follow the vendor’s instructions to unlock it and ride, connecting residents with another sustainable active transportation option.

E-scooters can be used on roads with a speed limit of 50 km/h or less, bicycle lanes, and multi-use paths and will travel up to 20 km/h, with geo-fencing reducing maximum speed to 15 km/h in certain locations. They are not for use on sidewalks. If an E-scooter is taken into a designated no-riding zone, the vehicle shuts off smoothly and the user gets a notification that they should proceed to a permitted area.

The City of Brampton is prioritizing active transportation programs and plans in an effort to build more connected communities, creating a wholesome active transportation network integrated with complete streets.

In January 2021, the province began a five-year electric kick-scooter pilot project allowing municipalities to regulate the use of E-scooters. As an active transportation pillar, the E-scooter program will connect residents to communities, services and businesses throughout the downtown core and neighbourhoods across Brampton.

Active Transportation presents one of the greatest untapped opportunities for reducing single occupant vehicle trips, and for addressing a host of community design and public health issues. The E-scooter program is one way the City of Brampton is working to build a comprehensive Active Transportation Network.

The Active Transportation Master Plan (ATMP) provides the network plan, policies, and programs to support Brampton’s 2040 Vision for a mosaic of safe, integrated transportation choices and new modes, contributing to civic sustainability and emphasizing walking, cycling, and transit.

The City will monitor citizen feedback through For more information, visit