What an incredible year of community engagement and preparing for the next 3 years in Brampton Wards 1 & 5. We are a thriving, diverse and rapidly growing city on the move and we have so much to be excited about. My team is working hard to do our part to keep pace and staying ahead of everything that’s happening. Click through each area for more…
When you contact us, we start a case and don't stop until we come to a resolution.
591 New Case Files
We handled 591 case files since Nov 2022. Top 5 categories:
Parking Enforcement, Property Standards, Park Requests, Trees, and Road Safety.
Motions Moved
Motions Seconded
Motions at Council
Free Recreation for Seniors, Residential Rental Licensing, Gender-Based Violence Epidemic, International Student Charter, Litter-Free Brampton, Brampton Neighbourhood Association Grant and more.
Keeping You Updated
51 Articles
As a team we collectively posted 51 articles to keep you informed.
Youth Council Stats
123 Members Strong
We hosted 7 Youth Council Events, 3 Guided City Hall Tours and grown from 18 members to 123 members.
Learn More
Hours dedicated to Council, Committees and Preparation
Hours dedicated to community support and resident engagement
Hours dedicated to communications
Did you know? There are 2,087 work hours in typical calendar year.
Committee Work
Working on committees is the way work gets done in government.
16 Committees
Our team is kept busy ensuring your voice is heard across the city, region and country
Learn More
Supporting Local Business
Communicating Brampton's Vision
100+ Media Interviews
Over 100 media interviews and article mentions communicating Brampton’s community priorities to a wider audience.
2023 Woman of Influence Honouree
Municipal Trailblazer