Safe and vibrant neighbourhoods are the heart of Brampton and our team is ready to support your local initiatives. We encourage existing neighbourhood groups and residents who want to start a new group to review the Neighbourhood Association Guide.
Get Started
Getting to know your neighbours is the foundation of safe and vibrant neighbourhoods. To become an Affiliated Neighbourhood Association with the City of Brampton, your first step is to to get other neighbours to join your group. Then you can identify the boundaries of your neighbourhood, designate a treasure, choose an initiative for your neighbourhood and request funding of up to $1,500. Complete this form so that we can help you be successful.
Benefits of an Affiliated Neighbourhood Association
- grant of up to $1,500 for neighbourhood activities, special events, projects, meetings, and related supplies
- boardroom bookings at City Hall
- access to a City liaison
- general liability insurance coverage
- networking with other neighbourhood associations
- recognition for neighbourhood-led initiative
Ideas for Neighbourhood Initiatives
- Litter clean-up, Graffiti removal
- Flower planters in public spaces
- Flower planters for traffic calming (landscaped street medians)
- Public bench dedication
- Painted waste receptacles
- Information boards
- Pop-up libraries, Pop-up markets
- Adopt-a-park
- Neighbourhood entrance flower beds
- Wayfinding signage, Painted trails
- Multi-purpose court artwork
- Street parties, Street barbeques
- Youth engagement
- Access to space
- Dog and/or pet related community parties
- Community fitness events, Learning events